Web Development

Troubleshooting XHML and CSS

An intractable error hiding in code has driven more than one developer to the brink.

Here are some time-tested tips to help you take control.

  • Copy the page under another filename and work on the copy. This way you can get back to where you started if you need to.
  • Validate your XHTML, checking for unclosed or improperly nested tags
  • Validate the CSS
  • Three out of four times my problem is solved throught the validating process. Seriously, it's that important.
  • Remove all the code between the <body></body> tags
  • Remove all the CSS; external, and embedded (the inline CSS code was removed with the body code).
  • Restore the main layout elements with their CSS code pertaining to layuout (position, alignment, floats, margins, padding.). Test that page as you add each element.
  • Add different colored borders to your main divs to make sure they're what you you intended {border: 1px dashed red;}
  • Add padding and margin rules back in one by one
  • Insert some dummy content (see
  • Add the rest of your content and CSS code back gradually

While you're doing this, forget your mouse. Alt-Tab to switch between editor and browser, Ctrl-S to Save and F5 to refresh your browser will make this process infinitely faster. You need to constantly flip back to the browser and refresh to identify where results change. Don't waste time and break concentration by taking your hands off the keyboard.

Two Firefox plugins will help you immensely when debugging code;

  • CSSViewer – provides an on-demand pop-up view of the CSS properties of whatever you're hovering over
  • Web Developer – Explore all the options of this plug-in. It has a lot to offer.
Operating Systems

Control Panel Applets – Command Line options

Many Windows users know that control panel applets can be called from the Run line. For example, using the syntax below will call up the Regional and Language Options applet.

control intl.cpl

However, there is more to it than that.

For an applet like main.cpl which serves multiple purposes, you can use a command line parameter – @# – where # is the zero-based number of the tab you want it to open at. For instance, @0 will open the mouse control applet, @1 will open the keyboard control applet.

control main.cpl,@1

If you want to open the applet with a specific tab open, there's another parameter you can use. Use the zero-based number of the tab you want it to open at. For instance, the following run line will open the mouse applet with the third tab (pointer options) open. Remember, it's zero-based, so we use 2 for the third tab.

control main.cpl,@0,2

For further information, there's a great article on this at


Database Primer

A database is a structured collection of information.

This is not a database;

Adam Thomson, 555-6335
Anita McColl, 108 Verdun Ave., 555-5249

But this is;

Adam Thomson,                , 555-6335
Anita McColl, 108 Verdun Ave., 555-5249

The difference? We don't have Adam's address right now, so in the second example we've left room for it. The information (data) is structured in the second example, but not in the first.

Purists will have far more complicated explanations, and so do I, but at the heart of it, that's what it comes down to.

Today, when anyone talks about databases, they're almost certain to be talking about a relational database, often referred to as a Relational Database Management System (DBMS or RDBMS.) We'll cover what makes it relational shortly.

Information in a database is stored, conceptually, in tables of rows and columns, just like a spreadsheet. One row, often called a record, is maintained for each thing or entity we're keeping information about, for instance an employee or a book in a library.

Each record is divided into fields, often called attributes, of information which relates to that entity, such as first name, last name and phone number. It is this rigid structure that makes a database work.

We'll build a concept of a database as we go here, so let's start with what we've covered and imagine that we're going to build a database to run a small hotel.

With what we've seen we can imagine that we have a database containing a single table of records, one for each guest. This includes those who have merely made reservations, those who are in the hotel now, and those who have checked out. This single table is sometimes referred to as a flat-file database.

At this point we'll imagine that each record in our database is keeping all the information about the guest (name and address etc.) as well as information about the visit (arrival and departure dates, room number, etc.)

What happens when a guest comes back for another visit? We'll have to add another record to the database for the second visit.

So far so good. Now let's say that our guest has something from the minibar. Now we have to add that to the database so we can charge him for it. If we add another record to our table, we'll be keeping information about the guest, about the visit and about the item purchased (what it was, how much is cost, etc.)

You can see that our database has quickly become unmanageable. It would be completely impractical to try to maintain the information like this. Nor only would the database size spiral out of control, if the guest changed his room number or home address, every record in the database relating to that guest would have to be changed! There's just no way that could be done without introducing errors and inconsistency over time.

This is where the Relational in Relational Database comes in.

If we want to bring our database under control we need to break it into multiple tables (database people call this decomposing the data) and relate the tables to each other.

To start with, we will create a Guest table for the basic information about the guest. Name, address, room preferences, etc. Now we'll create a Visit table with information about indivudual visit; arrival date, departure date, room number, etc. And of course we'll create a Purchases table tracking the sales outlet (such as the minibar, restaurant or gift shop), the item, the price, etc.

Now we can add only the information we need to each table without duplicating data among them, which is one of the cardinal sins of database management.

The next thing we need to do it find a way to relate records in the three tables to each other (there's that relational thing again.) Before we can do that we need to ensure that as we build these relationships we always know exactly what record we're dealing with. That brings us to a critical piece of database theory (and jargon) called the Primary Key.

Let's say we have Adam Thomson staying with us. Since it's his birthday his son Adam has come to share the occasion with him. Now we have a problem. Once the second Adam Thompson checks in, how are we going to tell them apart? They could live at the same address and have the same phone number.

We resolve this by introducing a Primary Key, a new attribute which is guaranteed to be unique in the table. There are generally two ways to go about this. First, we can find a unique number that is natural to the situation, like a Social Security number in an employee table. The other approach is simpler. Use a consecutive number for each record as it is added. Relational database systems are set up to handle this automatically. The point is that every record absolutely must be unique. By using a Primary Key we can guarantee that. Every table in a relational database has a Primary Key. That much is carved in stone.

Now that we've decomposed out data and implemented our primary keys, it's time to relate our tables.

You'll recall that we saw that it was impractical to keep the information about the guest and the information about the visit in the same table. Our solution was to break the data into separate tables.

Now we'll establish a relationship between the guest and visit tables by adding a new attribute to the visit table. This attribute is called a Foreign Key because it matches the primary key in the Guest table. The DBMS is responsible for ensuring that each Foreign Key entry in the Visit table matches the Primary Key of an entry in the Guest table. With that we've established a tight relationship – there's that word again – between the Guest and Visit tables. In another lesson we'd explore the means by which the DBMS maintains the integrity of that relationship in the event that a record in the guest table is deleted.

By splitting the data out like this, we've reduced the space required to store our database. But there's another significant benefit. If our guest changes his address, we only have to make the change in one place – the corresponding record in the guest table. And that means that there's no chance of contradictory data in the database. This is why duplication of data is considered one of the cardinal sins of database design.

In the Structured Query Language (SQL) tutorial we'll look at how we can query the two tables using the primary and foreign keys to obtain a list of all guests with their corresponding visits.


DNS Primer

DNS Primer

DNS Tutorial » Introduction to the Domain Name System

The Domain Name System (DNS) serves as the telephone directory of networks such as the Internet.While humans are comfortable with easy to remember Internet addresses such as (known as domain names or hostnames), our computers operate with numeric Internet Protocol (IP) addresses which appear as 4 numbers separated by periods (techies call this 'dotted quad') in a form like DNS system maintains directories relating the hostnames to the IP addresses.Here's how it works. When you go to visit a website like, your web browser checks to see if it has been there recently, in which case the IP address might be cached or stored locally on your computer.
If it's not found, your computer looks outside to DNS servers provided by your corporate network or Internet Service Provider (ISP). If those servers can't provide the information they in turn look to a server farther upstream on the Internet. These searches are forwarded up the line until they find the address or determine that it doesn't exist.If the address is available, it's passed back to your browser. If not, you're receive a message telling you the hostname or domain is not available.A word is in order on the difference between host names and domain names.A domain name is the name an organization presents to the outsite world on the Internet. In this case that is

Domain names exist in a hierarchical form. The Top Level Domain (TLD) inthis case is .com. There are many other TLDs; .org, .net etc as well as the Country Code TLDs, such as .ca for Canada, .uk for the United Kingdom, the rarely used .us for the United States.

Working backwards we come to the domain name, in this case tutorius. Any level in a domain name owns the 'namespace'
below it. That means that at we own and have full control over the namespace, or the range of all possible addresses, below it. So if we wanted to have a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server to serve files (we don't at this point), we could call it

This brings us to hostnames. A hostname is the name provided within a local network to each individual computer. We most often use hostnames with reference to servers. Within a corporate network DNS tracks hostnames, outside on
the Internet it tracks domain names, which may or may not have a hostname attached to them.

Beyond the Basics

Forward and Reverse Lookup

You may have heard references to Forward Lookup and Reverse Lookup.

Forward Lookup refers to the process of 'looking forward' from a hostname or domain name to lookup the IP address for it. This is essentially what we do when we pick up a telephone directory.

Reverse Lookup refers to the opposite process, finding the domain or hostname that relates to a known IP address. This is essentially what we're doing when we use one of the telephone reverse lookup services on the internet to enter a phone number and find the name and address that corresponds to it.

DNS servers maintain forward and reverse lookup zones, directories whick facilitate this process.

A forward lookup is used in the standard DNS queries described above. A reverse lookup is often used by email servers to combat spam.

When a message comes in, a server may to a reverse loopup on the IP address the mail came from. If it doesn't match the domain name the email claims to be coming from, the server may discard the message.


Once your computer or the DNS servers it has referred to have an IP for a domain or hostname, it will 'cache' it, or hold the information for a period of time.

This time will vary from system to system, but it is typically a fairly short time.

Why not keep it permanently? The principal reason for this is that IP addresses can change. You can learn more about that in the DHCP tutorial.

DNS Forwarders

We talked above about how if a DNS server cannot find the IP address for a hostname it will look "upstream" to another DNS server. Ultimately that search may reach up to one of the 13 fabled "Root Servers". These servers contain references for the DNS servers responsible for each Top Level Domain (TLD), such as .com, .net, .ca, .us, etc.

See also;

Web Development

PHP Primer

PHP Primer

This primer should contain all the code you need to access a MySQL database and build a table from the data, create an update form and submit it, and a few other tricks like creating a droplist in a form with the value from the current record pre-selected.

Please note: The commas in these code samples are converted automatically to curved 'smartquotes', in which the starting and ending quotes are different. When using these code samples in a text editor, be sure to change the quotes to uncurved straight quotes, otherwise the code will not run.

echo "Hello World!";

About PHP

PHP (PHP Hypertext Pre-Processor – I know, the acronym doesn't completely make sense) is a server-side scripting language. It is open source, free software. In many ways it is comparable to other server-side scripting languages like ASP. PHP was originally developed in the mid 1990s as a personal project, but quickly evolved into a powerful scripting tool.

It differs from static web pages, usually identified by .htm or .html extensions in a browser's address bar, in that server-side scripts asssemble web pages at the moment the browser requests them. This enables a website to provide dynamic content, such as information drawn from a database in response to a specfic request from the visitor.

Static pages, by comparison, are not easily changed, and are passed from the server to the browser without modification.

Keep in mind that PHP isn't something that you will interact with directly like most computer programs you use. It is installed invisibly on a web server and used by the web server itself to interpret .php files.

Core Elements of a PHP Page

PHP code is created in one or more blocks, which may or may not be mixed in with HTML code.

Each block is opened and closed with the PHP tags <?php and ?>. Previous versions of PHP could be opened with just <?, but that can cause problems with current versions of PHP so save yourself some grief and always use <?php to open your PHP code blocks.

< ?php echo “We’ll start with some PHP code”; ?>
Now we have some HTML code

< ?php
echo “and now we’re back to PHP code”;
Here's a demonstration of a very simple PHP page.

<title>My Page Title</title>
echo "We'll start with some PHP code";
<p>Now we have some HTML code</p>
echo "and now we're back to PHP code";

Using Include Files

It's useful to put some code, like standard document opening and closing in an external file to be called by any file you need it for. Then you can change those elements for all pages by editing the include file.

Think of an include as a cut and paste job. Imagine that the server will paste the contents of the include file in the place you put the include() command.

I include the database select command in mine, because I generally only access one database in a php project.

I use a double extension ".inc.php" so I can tell what is an extension and I keep my folders organized by storing my includes in their own folder.

Always use the .php extension for includes so the server will never render the code visibly on a visitor's browser.

Here's an example of an include file used to insert a menu.


The most useful application of includes may be to create standardized page open and page close includes, or a database connect string, which we'll look at below.

You remember that the basic structure of an HTML page is more or less what follows. Of course this wouldn't validate and you're going to have more in there but for the purposes of illustration we'll work with this.

<p>Page content goes here.</p>

We'll start by creating two include files that will be common to all our pages. The first will be everything from the top down to the <body> tag and the second will be everything from the </body> tag down to the end.



So now let's do something with it!


<p>Page content goes here.</p>


This this us exactly the same basic HTML page we had before, but the structure of the page has been moved into external include files.

However, this simple example has serious limitations, as useful as it is. For instance, you won't want all your pages to have the same name.

So let's rework our page head include a bit;

<title><?php echo "$pagetitle"; ?></title>

With that we've added PHP code to inject the value of a PHP variable called $pagetitle.

Now we'll add a line to create and populate that variable prior to calling the include;

$pagetitle="My Page";

<p>Page content goes here.</p>


The variable will be available when the include is loaded, and since I've added code to insert it in the <title></title> tags the page will be named with whatever we put in our $pagetitle variable.

Using a Query String

Often you're going to want one PHP file to do different things; I usually use the same file to present a data editing form and to update the submitted form data in the database.

You pass parameters through a query string in the URL to tell the page what you want it to do.

The Query String is that part of the URL which follows the filename, starting which a question mark. For example the query string file.php?city=ottawa&name=smith would pass two parameters, City and Name, with data accompanying each. Most often the query string will be used to tell the PHP script how to interact with a database.

If you use this technique, you need to test the query string at or near the top of the PHP file to see what it is supposed to do.

If you pass the query string edit.php?mode=update the following code can act on it.

Notice how I convert the query string to lower case for comparisons to reduce potential errors.

switch (strtolower($_REQUEST['mode'])) {
case "edit":
editForm(); // display a form to edit data
case "add";
addForm(); // display a form to add new data
// the default block is executed if no other block is applicable
echo "This page cannot be directly accessed.";

Database Connect String

Once you've created your PHP file, you're likely to want to connect to a mysql database server and select a database to work with. Do this early in your page so the database is available anyhere in the page.

Note how the or die() code combined with the mysql_error() function gives us useful feedback if for some reason a connect or query fails.

$dbconnect=mysql_connect ("server", "db_user", "password")
or die (
'Cannot connect to database: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ("db_name") or die('Could not select database: '.mysql_error());

Get a Dataset

So now we've created a basic structure for our PHP file, connected to our database server and selected a database to work with. Now let's pull some data.

SQL is another tutorial, so I won't get too far into that here except to say that Structured Query Language (SQL) is a widely used language used to extract data from databases, as well as many other database maintenance tasks. As a quick example, SELECT fname,lname,phone FROM members WHERE city = "Ottawa" is the SQL code used used to query a database table called 'members' for the first and last names and phone numbers of people who live in Ottawa.

Here is an example of the PHP code used to read a set of data from a database and store it in a variable called $dataset.

$dataset = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mytable") or die("ERROR: ".mysql_error());

Loop through a dataset

Now we're going to use a while loop to go through the dataset, reading one record at a time and acting on it.

A common use for a dataset, or recordset, is to build a table, like a membership directory. So you'll often capture a recordset, open an HTML table, loop through your recordset creating a row for each table, then close the HTML table.

Remember the table is opened and closed outside the loop, the rows are built inside the loop, one table row per dataset row.

echo "<table>";

while($row=mysql_fetch_array($dataset)) {
echo "<tr><td>Member name:</td><td>".$row['last_name'].", ".$row['first_name']."</td><td>".$row['phone']."</td></tr>";
// end while loop

echo "</table>";

That works well, but as you can see the values from the row can't be placed within the quoted string, and the code can be hard to read, debug and work with.

So here's another method of doing the same thing that uses a foreach loop inside the while loop to cycle through attributes in the row, creating a variable for each. Variables are easier to work with - for instance they can be embedded in an echoed string - so for the processing cost of running the foreach loop we get code that's much easier to work with and less prone to errors.

What the foreach loop does is equivalent to doing this for each attribute in the row:

Unless you have a huge recordset I think the processing cost of this second approach is well worth it.

echo "<table>";

while($row=mysql_fetch_array($dataset)) {
foreach($row as $var => $value){
$var = $value;
echo "<tr><td>Member name:</td><td>$last_name, $first_name</td><td>$phone</td></tr>";
// end while loop

echo "</table>";

Taking Stock

So what have we accomplished?

At this point, we know how to

  • Build the structure of a PHP page
  • Mix PHP with HTML
  • Use includes and pass values into the includes
  • Connect to a database
  • Pull a dataset from the database
  • Loop through a datset
  • Extract the attribute values from each row in a dataset
  • Use PHP to build a table in HTML to display the data to a user

What we haven't learned how to do is get data into our database, so let's have a look at that.

A Form to Edit an Existing Record

As I mentioned, I like to use the same PHP file to edit and submit data.

For such a multi-purpose page to work, however, code has to be laid out in functions or subroutines.

You'll remember that earlier I talked about using the query string for this purpose. By testing the query string at the top of our PHP file, we redirect the flow to the appropriate subroutine. The SWITCH statement below checks to see what parameter we've passed to the page through the query string in the URL to indicate what we're trying to do. Script execution is passed to the appropriate subroutine.

In this page, if no suitable parameter has been provided in the query execution passes to the default block of the switch statement where the user is advised that the page is cannot be directly accessed.

switch (strtolower($_REQUEST['mode']) == "update") {
case "edit":
case "add";
echo "This page cannot be directly accessed.";

So let's build the edit form.

To start with, we need to find out what record we want to edit, so we look back to the query string to the get the id of the record we're going to edit. For this purpose, as elsewhere in this document, we're going to assume that the primary key of our table is an integer value called 'id'. (Keep in mind that I'm going to assume here that the id parameter has been passed properly; in a real application you'd need to test this.)

So what we need to do now is query the database for the record we want to edit.

Let's look back to something we did earlier; querying the database for a record.

$dataset = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mytable") or die("ERROR: ".mysql_error());

We only want one record this time, so we need to modify the SQL query to limit it. For clarity I've created a variable to capture the parameter from the query string. (Don't get query strings mixed up here; the query string passed to the page through the URL has nothing to due with our SQL query.)

So if we have the query string edit.php?mode=edit&id=237 we're going to pull the record with id value 237 from our database into a dataset.

$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
$dataset = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id = '$id'") or die("ERROR: ".mysql_error());

Let's take a look back at something else we did earlier. We'll combine while and foreach loops create a variable for each attribute in the record. (If you haven't read the Database Primer, keep in mind that an attribute is one element of information within a data record, such as the phone number.) Since this dataset only has one row, it won't take long to run!

while($row=mysql_fetch_array($dataset)) {
foreach($row as $var => $value){
$var = $value;

Now that we've captured our data and fed it into variables where we can use it easily, let's build it into a form to make it available to the user for editing. We're going to assume that the only attributes in our table, and thus in our record, are the first and last names and a phone number.

There are a few things you'll need to keep in mind here;

  • We're working primarily with HTML code to build a form, so at this point we will have ended our PHP code block which puts us into HTML code.
  • Note the "<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" PHP code in the action attribute of this form. This tells the page to load itself again. When this form is submitted the page will reload itself with a query string of ?mode=update and post the form data to the updateRecord() function. That happens because of the Query String test we implemented above.
  • There's a hidden input field in this form. This doesn't show in the form, but is needed to pass the primary key value to the update function so the right record is updated. You'll see more of that in the code below when we build the SQL statement to update the database. Remember that id is the primary key value in the database table.
  • We fed all the attributes into variables with a foreach loop above. You can see how the current values from the record are being plugged into the value='' attributes of the form elements (i.e. value="<?php echo "$first_name"; ?>") so the user can see and edit them in the form.

<form name="form1" method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?mode=update">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo "$id"; ?>">
<input type="text" name="first_name" value="<?php echo "$first_name"; ?>">
<input type="text" name="last_name" value="<?php echo "$last_name"; ?>">
<input type="text" name="phone" value="<?php echo "$phone"; ?>">

Once we've done this, the user is presented with a form with the current record filled in, and is able to edit the data at will. Once the user submits the form, the data will be submitted to the database.

Our next task is to write the code to accept that data and write it into the database.

Writing Updates to the Database

This part gets a little more involved, so we'll go through this function in parts.

First we open the function.

function updateRecord() {

Now select the database, unless it's already been selected in an include file.

mysql_select_db ("database_name") or die('Could not select database');

We generate SQL code to update the record with the submitted data.

Some POSTed data we don't put in the database, for instance the Submit button value and the primary key which is never updated. So I use an exclusions array to list those values so they can be excluded from the SQL Query. An array is a type of variable that can hold more than one value.

With that done, we start to build our query string.

$exclusions = array ("id","Submit");
$sql = "UPDATE members SET ";

We loop through the POSTed values, adding each to the SQL string if it is not in the exclusions array. After that we use the PHP substr() function trim the trailing comma and space left by the final iteration of the foreach loop. $_POST refers to the collection of form data that was passed to the update function when the user submitted the form.

foreach ($_POST as $attrib => $value) {
if (!
in_array($attrib, $exclusions)) {
$sql .= "$attrib='$value', ";
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -2);

We update the timestamp of the record (I said above there were only three attributes, first and last name and the phone number. Let's imagine we added a 'timestamp' attribute to the table so we can track changes - a useful attribute to have.)

The final element of the query string specifies the record to be updated, identifying it with the primary key id value which was POSTed through a hidden input field in the form.

You'll notice that there are backslash \ characters that may seem out of place. When we quote a string like this, we use quotes to mark the start and end of what we are quoting. If we need to use a quote mark inside the string, we 'escape' it by preceeding it with \ so that PHP will know we're using a quote mark, not ending the quoted string.

$sql .= " lastupdate =\"".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time());
$sql .= " WHERE id=\"".$_POST['id']."\"";

Now that we've created the query string to update the database, it's a relatively simple matter to execute the query and update the record in the database, but we can to a little bit more here.

By embedding the command in an if statement we can do one of two things when the query has executed against the database.

If the query succeeds, we display a message to the user with a link to view their updated data.

If the query fails, we display an appropriate error message.

It's not strictly necessary to do these things, but if there is an error we want our application to respond gracefully.

if(mysql_query($sql) or die("Error writing changes to database: ".mysql_error()))
<p>Thank you for taking the time to update your profile.</p>
<div align="center" style="border:1px solid silver;padding:5px">
<a href='profile.php?<?php echo $_POST['id'];?>'>
View your updated data.</a></div>
} else {
"Sorry, we encountered an error updating your information: ".mysql_error();
//------ end function ------//

Now let's review the update function in one box;

function updateRecord() { mysql_select_db ("database_name") or die('Could not select database');
$exclusions = array ("id","Submit");
$sql = "UPDATE members SET "; foreach ($_POST as $attrib => $value) {
if (!
in_array($attrib, $exclusions)) {
$sql .= "$attrib='$value', ";
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -2); $sql .= " lastupdate =\"".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time());
$sql .= " WHERE id=\"".$_POST['id']."\"";
mysql_query($sql) or die("<p>Error writing changes to database: ".mysql_error()))
<p>Thank you for taking the time to update your profile.</p>
<div align="center" style="border:1px solid silver;padding:5px">
<a href='profile.php?<?php echo $_POST['id'];?>'>
View your updated data.</a>
} else {
"Sorry, we encountered an error updating your information: ".mysql_error();
//------ end function ------//

Providing an edit link in a list of records

You'll often want to provide an editing capability for administrators. Generally you do this by generating a list of all records or a subset of records.

Of course you need to carefully control who you allow to use an edit link. You do this by restricting access to the page to authorized users, or if you want to allow allow everyone to see the list, you would test to see if the user is a qualified administrator and add the edit link if they were authorized to edit.

The code below assumes you have tested user rights in a logon script and created a boolean variable like $current_user_is_admin = 1; for authorized administrators.

Make sure your edit page also tests for authorization, in case an unauthorized user follows a bookmark to the edit page.

if ($current_user_is_admin) {
"<a href='edit.php?id=<?php echo '$id'; ?>'>[edit]</a>";

Building a SELECT list in an edit form with the current value selected

When you let a user update an existing record, you need to have the current values in the form for the user to start with.

This code assumes that $thisrecord_prov contains the province attribute from the current record in the dataset.

First we create an array of possible values. A good way to do this might be to read a lookup table from the database into an array.

Next we open our select tag.

Now we use a foreach loop to built the select list row by row.

Notice that we test each value in the array against the current value of the prov attribute retrieved from the database record we are editing. If it matches, we set the SELECTED attribute for that row of the SELECT list so that it will be selected when the user sees it in the edit form.

Finally we close the select tag and echo it so that it appears in the form.

$provlist = array ("BC", "AB", "SK", "MB", "ON", "QC", "NB", "NS", "NL", "PE");

$select = "<select name=\"prov\">\n";

foreach ($provlist as $prov) {
$select .= "\t<option value=\"".$prov."\"";
if (
strtolower($thisrecord_prov) == strtolower($prov)) {
$select .= " selected>".$prov."\n";
} else {
$select .= ">".$prov."\n";

$select .= "</select>";

Pulling a single value from the database

Sometimes you just want to pull a single value from the database without a whole lot of work. Here's how to do it in a single line;

// mysql_result() function is used to pull a single value from the database
mysql_result(mysql_query('SELECT price FROM stuff_we_sell WHERE product = "widget" '), 0);